About Rob and Jenna

It’s not our story, it’s His!

When your life is in the hands of the Lord, there is no telling what He may do.  You can’t plan it because you wouldn’t think of all the details.  You can’t write the story because you aren’t really the author.  Even if you tried, you certainly wouldn’t come up with the twists and turns that have led you where you are now and where you are intended to go.

That is us and in the beginning, we thought we were in control of ourselves and our future.  We met in the summer of 1993.  Young and carefree we formed a fast friendship that was built on selfishness and the heartfelt desire to be noticed and accepted.  Both of us grew up knowing about God, but at that time in our lives neither of us were living for Him.  The noise of the world was leading our steps and demanding our attention.

Three months later, Jenna was pregnant.  A lifelong connection was made between two people who didn’t trust their Creator and who made their decisions based on their emotions.

Through the many twists and turns of life, we have now been married for eight years.  We have learned to put all things in the hands of God and to attribute every aspect of our lives to Him.  We recognize that God had always had a plan for us even when we thought we knew where we were going in life.

Our desire is to teach others to life purely for Christ.  The word “purity” has a bad wrap and  is often unwanted even by Christians.  However, each of us has call to purity and it is certain. Just as we are to each accept His forgiveness and to individually work out our salvation, He has come to cleanse us completely.  Clean.  White as snow.  Pure.

Won’t you join us on this journey?  Through our speaking, blog posts and ministry, we will share the most intimate details of where we came from and how God led us to where we are today.  We know that He has a story already written just for you.  Are you ready to turn the page?  We are ready to go with you and look forward to all that the Lord has in store.

“They shall teach my people the difference between holy and common; I am their possession.”

Ezekiel 44:23,28